How to buy patterns

Here is the answer

We are very sorry to inform you that we have some technical difficulties and can't sell you anything on our web site right now.


You still can get our patterns. Here is how:

1. Browse our site and find the pattern you want to buy. Remember the name and the price of the pattern.

2. Visit and register there. This site works just like Patreon, you can subscribe or use one time tip. We do not offer any subscriptions at the moment, so you'll need tips. Payment methods may vary depending on your country but Paypal and credit card should be available to anyone.

3. Here is the link for the tip page:

4. There are 2 currencies available for the tip, choose US dollars. The tip amount = the pattern price. The price on is $5 — tip $5. If you want more than 1 pattern just add up the prices and tip the total value.

5. In the message window write the name of the pattern (or patterns) and your email where we should send you the PDF file. Please give us up to 24 hours to do that. If for some reason you do not receive anything after 24 hours please contact us via Boosty messages or send a letter to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. By the way, don't forget to check the spam/junk folder of your email account.

Thank you very much. We hope that payments through our site will be available as soon as possible. Meanwhile, please use